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If I may ask – does this cream have a transport system?

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  • Vitamin A

Beauté's transport system – a patented method 

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    Transport system in skincare?

    You probably haven’t heard of it before, or maybe you thought you misheard.
    Because what does ‘transport’ have to do with creams, cleansers and anti -aging? 

    The short answer is: Everything – if you are looking for skincare that works from within. 

    The long answer may seem technical, but we’ll try to make it easier to understand why it’s so crucial to have a good transport system when it comes to anti -aging skincare in particular.  

    Right, left or straight ahead?  

    When it comes to effective skincare, the discussion will often centre on the nature and quantity of the ingredients in one cream versus another.  

    One example is Retinol – or vitamin A – which is of great interest due to its highly effective anti -aging properties. Some prefer a high level of vitamin A in their cream and choose the cream with the highest concentration. Others want a somewhat more modest amount, as they are concerned about the highly active effect of pure Retinol and therefore choose a cream with a more moderate concentration.  

    Both examples are based on the immediate reaction that comes when the cream with Retinol is applied ON the skin. We prefer to focus on what’s happening BELOW the skin. We do this because we know our creams actually penetrate the skin and work at deeper levels thanks to our transport system.  

    The main route to effective action 

    When referring to the term transport system, we’re actually referring to a method that can transport content from A to B; from the epidermis – the outer layer of skin – down to the dermis – the middle layer of skin. It is in the dermis that we have, for example, connective tissue and fibres that influence the skin’s strength and elasticity. 

    *We go into more detail about the structure of the skin below 

    Few skincare products are able to deliver ingredients deep into the skin, as they work solely in the epidermis – the upper, visible layer of skin. Of course, this also has an effect, but the most lasting and skin-enhancing results are created by penetrating more deeply and helping to restore and activate the cells.  


    Beauté’s transport system – a patented method 

    At Beauté, we have developed a unique transport system that can do just that. 

    We use Squalane oil, which also occurs naturally in the skin, as a carrier. Squalane is a fatty substance in oil form, which is both moisturising and softening to the skin.  

    In young skin there is a natural high level of Squalane, but with age the level decreases and the skin loses the beneficial properties of high moisture content and good elasticity. That’s why the skin loves to be replenished with new Squalane, in order to restore what has been lost.  

    The close relationship between Squalane and the skin ensures that Squalane is a good partner, as the skin recognises it and allows the Squalane to penetrate. In the language of skincare, we refer to it as good penetrating properties

    As well as being cherished by the skin for its moisturising properties, Squalane has another property that is essential to its role as a good carrier. It can actually carry other ingredients with it into the skin.  

    However, there is another and particularly important challenge that must be overcome before Squalane can penetrate deep into the skin. It’s all about the size. 

    Nanometric drops 

    When creams are mixed, an emulsion of oil and water-based elements is obtained. Normally oil and water will not mix, they may combine when mixed at high speed, but will subsequently separate again. It’s exactly like when you try to mix a dressing of oil and water at home in the kitchen and the two ingredients never completely dissolve into each other. 

    In order to blend and combine the cream, an emulsifier must be added, which allows microscopic drops from one element to attach to the other element, which now becomes one unified drop. 

    The combined drop is the one used in skincare products that has an effect externally on the epidermis.  

    The drop is too large to be able to penetrate the skin, despite the fact that it is a micrometre in size. For the drop to penetrate the skin, we have to break the drop into even smaller droplets in order for it to reach the subcutaneous tissue. 

    And it’s now that our patented transport system becomes unique 

    Using research-based high-pressure equipment, we can break the droplets down into droplets a thousand times smaller, and these droplets are small enough to penetrate the skin. 

    By breaking the droplets down into the nanometric droplets, it is because we want to penetrate right down into the dermis and into the fibroblasts. The fibroblasts are connective tissue cells that produce the basic substance in the connective tissue and also the collagen and elastic fibres in the skin. These are the ones we need to work on in order to restore collagen levels and skin tone.  

    In other words, the fibroblasts form the lattice network within the skin, which breaks down with age. When this happens, we begin to see signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin.  

    Beauté’s founder Flemming Christensen usually compares it to a football net.  At first, the net is strong, resilient, and impenetrable, but over the years it becomes worn, weak and may develop holes, so that it doesn’t have the same strength as before.  

    The same happens in the skin with age.  

    This is why it is so unique and important that the transport system allows us to treat the skin at a deeper level.  

    We use the transport system to deliver vitamin A down into the skin. Vitamin A is unsurpassed when it comes to ingredients with an anti -aging effect – it’s the best.   

    When the vitamin A is emulsified with the Squalane oil and delivered down to the Fibroblasts, completely unique conditions arise for renewal of the skin. Squalane contributes moisture that the connective tissue needs for recovery, while vitamin A stimulates the cells to restore lost collagen structure.   

    If you would like to read more about vitamin A, you can do so in this blog post

    How long does it take to see an effect?  

    There are no creams that can perform instant, lasting and skin-improving miracles – fantastic though that would be.  

    We test the effect of the creams with our ultrasound scanners, which are able to give a fully accurate picture of the different layers of the skin, showing its structure, condition and requirements. All customer cases show significantly improved results after 3 months of use.

    The ultrasound images above show a cross-section of the skin, where it is possible to see the elastic fibre structure of the skin. 

    The upper light edge is the epidermis – i.e., the outer layer of the skin. Ideally, this should be completely intact and also thick and solid, as it is the surface that is exposed to external factors. It must therefore be able to withstand pressure, traction and wear and retain moisture. The lighter and thicker it appears on the ultrasound image, the better and more resilient the skin.  

    New cells are constantly being formed in the epidermis. The oldest cells are brought to the surface, where they remain as dead skin cells until they fall off or are removed.  

    The next layer is the dermis – seen in the picture as the green and dark area. The green colour shows connective tissue, the red and yellow patches show collagen and elastin, while the black areas in between show sun damage that has damaged the tissue.  

    What we really would like to see is lots of yellow and red patches mixed in with the green connective tissue. This will mean that the collagen and elastin fibres are strong and there is good elasticity and flexibility in the skin. As is clear from the after-image, the fibres are arranged almost in bundles over the entire dermis, and this is what we want to see! This is precisely why it is important that we have creams with a transport system that can actually reach down here.

    Do all creams have to penetrate so deeply into the skin?  

    Not all ingredients have a function or relevance on all levels of the skin.  

    Therefore, it is almost as important to be able to shut off and ensure that some ingredients are not transported down but instead work on the surface.  

    An example is products that have slightly exfoliating properties – this could be our Bio- Dermabrasion Peeling Wipes, which gently remove dried and dead skin cells from the epidermis with an acid called Gluconolactone. Gluconolactone has such a large molecular size that it cannot penetrate the skin, and in this way, we ensure that it works where it should. It has no relevance in the deeper layers of the skin, and therefore does not need a transport system – on the contrary. 

    Creams that we would really like to be able to penetrate down through the skin, together with Squalane oil, are our night creams. While we sleep, the skin works to repair itself, and we can help that process by using creams with the right vitamins and nutrients.    

    Because the skin is rested at night, we can use creams that contain extra effective ingredients, as the skin has time to take in, become activated and soothed again.  

    Take, for example, our Super3 Booster night cream. Super3 is an extra powerful anti -aging cream which contains two effective types of vitamin A. We really want thevitamin A down in the dermis, so that it can restore lost collagen structure. As the cream is so rich in vitamin A, it may cause temporary redness in the skin – mainly at the start – and therefore it is good to use at night. The effect of the cream is absolutely fantastic and also delivers particularly good results on blemished and fine skin. 

    There is therefore a major difference between whether we want the ingredients to be transported away with Squalane, or whether we want to keep them on the surface. 

    What is unique is being able to choose. 
