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Invisible sun damage in young skin

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Beauté Magazine

Camilla has always enjoyed the sun. Maybe too much. As a 22-year old, she now has sun damage in the deep layers of her skin which cannot be seen with the naked eye.

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    Camilla, aged 22, loves being in the sun. And she likes it when her skin is tanned. So when the sun shines, Camilla likes to go out – but she doesn’t always take the sunscreen with her.

    To the naked eye, Camilla has lovely skin. But if we look at the condition of her skin in the deeper layers, then we see sun-damaged skin. And the problem with skin is, it never forgets. So for Camilla, the sun damage will mean early aging of the skin – and probably also lines and wrinkles at an earlier age than if she had protected her skin better.

    Fortunately, with the right products, you can stimulate the skin to repair and rebuild itself. Camilla was saved through the Help my Skin Project and after using the recommended products for three months, Camilla’s skin is strengthened and the structure in the connective tissue is tighter.

    Watch the video and see how Camilla reclaimed the skin for her age.

    “My skin feels just fantastic. It is softer and there are no red and dry patches. I have never experienced my skin being so nice-looking all the time before.”

    Camilla, 60 days into the Help my Skin Project

    Camilla’s “before” image of her skin clearly showed sun damage in the connective tissue. The sun damage is the black “holes”.

    After three months’ use of the recommended products, Camilla’s epidermis is strengthened and there is more activity in the connective tissue, so her skin is now appropriate for her age.

    The products that helped Camilla

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