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Need help choosing your night cream?
Our easy guide to choosing the night cream that suits your skin type
Masculinity - skin care for men
Skin care products for the quality-conscious man
Do your skin care products work?
How can you see if the products you’re using are really doing their job?
You are safe to stay outside when using our Vitamin A products
Our unique formulation with Vitamin A esters makes the products safe to use in the sun
No, the pump should not reach the bottom of the dispenser
Our dispensers use (under)pressure to 'pull' up the cream
vitamin A
Vitamin A
The hero ingredient
Best night cream of the year
Crème Paradoxe Night Creme awarded at the Swedish Beauty Oscar 2019
Award-winning products
Beauté Pacifique products win readers awards
Serum Paradoxe ´Best in test'
Serum Paradoxe receives new award
From sun damage to a Botox effect
The sun had made its mark on Cita’s skin, but the right skincare products made an enormous difference.