Need help choosing your night cream?
Do you find it difficult to choose the right night cream?
It doesn’t have to be.
Get our easy guide to choosing the night cream that suits your skin type.
Normal skin
If you have normal skin, you should take a closer look at our Crème Métamorphique. This scientifically documented night cream contains two kinds of Vitamin A, which strengthens and rejuvenates the collagen structure of the skin.
Combination skin
For combination skin we recommend our Super3 Booster. Super3 Booster contains propolis, which reduces the production of oil in the skin. Furthermore, Super3 Booster is the most effective anti-age cream in our traditional series. The cream repairs even very severe sun damage and age-related changes and regenerates lost collagen and elasticity in the skin.
Dry and delicate skin
Our recently launched Crème Paradoxe Night Cream is the right choice. Crème Paradoxe Night Cream moisturises, nurtures and reduces age and sun damage at the same time. The cream combines a number of active ingredients each of which has a unique ability to regenerate and repair the skin – especially effective against free radicals and stress in the skin which can be caused by too much sun. Crème Paradoxe is based on both Vitamin A and our unique Chilean grape seed extract.
Young and sensitive skin
Choose the night cream from our SuperFruit Skin Enforcement series. SuperFruit Night Cream is an effective night cream for the very first fine and mimetic lines. The cream enhances the skin’s ability to rejuvenate so it retains its elasticity and young structure for as long as possible. Among other things, SuperFruit Night Cream’s properties are based on two highly nutritious and natural extracts from the Nordic SuperFruits: cowberry and green tea.